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Online holiday learning camps for HAFs

If you are reading this page then your Local Authority is a RocketLearn local authority.  This means that you, as a HAF provider, have complimentary access to our online learning camps to use as and when you may wish to in your setting.  To a
Therefore, we have a few resources which we hope will keep children learning and parents sane.


The idea of our Bingo card is that parents can print it off and use it as a way to keep their children occupied. Easier than a timetable, the Bingo card enables you to give your children a task which suits your own daily activities – many of the tasks involve little input from you – perfect if, for example, you are in an online meeting  Each task should hopefully take between 15-30 minutes. 

Maths Games & Videos

A list of excellent maths games and videos.  None of them require logins, and many are very simple, having been built by teachers around the world for their own classes. Organised by topic to match our online lessons.

English Videos & Games

A list of excellent English games and videos.  None of them require logins, and many are very simple, having been built by teachers around the world for their own classes. Organised by topic to match our online lessons.

Things to do around the house

One of our bingo tasks is to do something to help around the house! This list includes some ideas for you, some very basic, some no “help” but at least not a hindrance and will keep younger children occupied!  


RocketLearn members will be familiar with these - they are questions “to make your brain hurt”. Thunks are a great way to get children thinking more widely, sparking their imagination and encouraging critical thinking. Here’s a list of some of our THUNKS!


Journaling is recommended by many as a good way to monitor and reflect on behaviour, this sheet gives you some tips on how you might start journaling with younger children and some tips to help older ones.

Printable Set Square

You can measure lengths and identify right angles with this printable square!
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